Lisbon International Seminar & Workshop on Coherence Therapy May 21-23, 2009 | Anfit FPCEUL Google map
To be held at the Faculty of Psychology - Lisbon University

 Terapia de Coerência| Coherence Therapy

Bruce Ecker & Sara Bridges

Bruce Ecker               Sara Bridges

Coherence Psychology Institute | Memphis University

What is Coherence Therapy?

Coherence Therapy is a unified set of methods and concepts for individual, couple and family work that enable a therapist to foster profound change with a high level of consistency. From the first session, the work is focused on guiding clients to get in touch with hidden, core areas of meaning and feeling that are generating the presenting symptom or problem. (Read more at CPI)

May 21 | Thursday Introductory Seminar - An open talk and live demonstration to a larger group. Students or professionals in the mental health or caregiving fields are welcome.
Thursday  17.30h (5.30PM) / 20.00h (8.00PM)
May 22-23| Friday-Saturday Workshop -  A two-day /16 hour training on CT for graduate and post-graduate Psychologists and Psychotherapists and other graduate-level professionals in the mental health or caregiving fields.
Friday 09.30h (9.30AM) to 18.00h (6.00PM) 
Saturday 09.30h (9.30AM) to 17.00h (5.00PM)

inscrições aqui | Registration here

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Bruce Ecker, M.A., L.M.F.T. and Sara K. Bridges, Ph.D. are the directors of the Coherence Psychology Institute.
Bruce is co-originator of Coherence Therapy and coauthor of Depth Oriented Brief Therapy: How To Be Brief When You Were Trained To Be Deep, and Vice Versa. He taught at the graduate level for many years at John F. Kennedy University and is in independent practice near San Francisco, California, USA.
Sara is Associate Professor at the University of Memphis, coeditor of the four-volume series Studies in Meaning, president of the Constructivist Psychology Network and president-elect of the Society for Humanistic Psychology (Division 32 of the American Psychological Association).

Organizing Committe | Comissão Organizadora



Registration and Fee Schedule  Valores da Inscrição 

Ph. 00351213851327 | 00351965522423 |Certificates
Registration here | Inscrições e informações aqui
Fees and Payment deadlines
A. For the 21 May Introductory Seminar only
Seminar can be attended by graduate and undergraduate students
 We should inform those eventualy wanting to attend both Introductory Seminar and workshop that  the first hour of the Seminar and the first hour of the workshop will be exactly the same, except for live demonstration session that will take place Thursday May 21.
Non-Members SPPC
1. From  April 1  to  May 15: 25€
2. On site | applicable from 16 May: 30€

Members SPPC | Members of other constructivistic societies (please specify) | Undergraduate Students.
1. From  April 1  to  May 15: 20€
2. On site | applicable from 16 May: 25€
B. For the May 22-23 Workshop | maximum 60 participants
Only graduate students and professionals can attend workshop
Non-Members SPPC
1. From  April 1  to  May 15: 210€
2. On site | applicable from 16 May: 230€
Members SPPC | Members of other constructivistic societies (please specify) | Undergraduate Students.
1. From  April 1  to  May 15: 200€
2. On site | applicable from 16 May: 220€
Registration and Payment  |  Hotel Reservation
Enrolled Participants | Images |

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